Last year I have performed 6 Enterprise Mobility Suite Proof-of-Concepts, for enterprise customers in Romania. For each customer I have delivered presentations and also provided step-by-step documentation on how to configure the functionality of the solution in a lab environment.
Implementing a Proof-Of-Concept allows a company to evaluate the functionality and decide the implementation, based on hands-on experience with the solution.
I have decided to make the documentation available, as volunteer contribution to the community. In my presentation at IT Camp 2016, I will describe the process for delivering an Enterprise Mobility Suite Proof-of-Concept.
I will also publish the updated documentation, with new screenshots and changed steps. Feel free to use it to implement your own Enterprise Mobility Suite Proof-of-Concept.
In this first post I am including a document on How to create a trial Enterprise Mobility Suite subscription. This includes configuration steps:
- To Sign-Up for an Enterprise Mobility Suite trial subscription
- To access the Microsoft Intune portals
- To manage Azure Active Directory in the Microsoft Azure portal
- To enable Azure Rights Management Services
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